Sunday, May 4, 2014

"Guam Bombs" and driving in Guam

   Since we arrived mid-Feb. 2014, the price of gasoline...throughout the island.....has stayed at $4.72 gal.  Guam does not have any interstates. The maximum speed limits for cars/trucks are 35 mph in rural areas and 15 in residential areas.  We had heard of people driving "Guam bombs" know the ugly cars without hubcaps or wheelcovers! SO NOT TRUE! In fact, OUR 2002 Hyundai car that we shipped from Virginia is closer to being a "Guam bomb" than 99 out of 100 cars we see on the roads. The typical Guam car is a newer model of Toyota or Nissan. Our Air Force neighbor, who moved here when we did, is the only one we know that bought a "Guam bomb" dented pickup truck.....and that's only because the Air Force would have shipped his car here free, but he didn't want to mess it up with potholes's a classic Porsche worth a fortune.....good move on his end! The main road around the island is in average condition. However, just turn off it and you'll most likely either be on an unpaved or sandy road with gigantic potholes. Plus, some of the roads, aren't made of asphalt, but crushed seashells/coral, making them extremely slippery when driving on ice. Also, these types of roads are horrible for tires. The Guam drivers are patient and helpful. Today alone, I had someone parallel driving in the lane next to me, after the light changed, directing me to the nearest post horns honking behind us. Later, I went into the middle lane to make a U-turn and driver opposite gave me the thumbs up signal when it appeared OK to do my turn. I'm confident that "road rage" isn't in their vocabulary, because it just doesn't exist in their sweet dispositions!